Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring equinox

This week is the time of spring equinox. Day and night are of equal length. The sun is strong enough to conquer the dark. In nature, it is early spring right now: the first spring flowers can be seen, and there is a certain smell of expectation in the air. In the cycle of the God, this is the time when he grows into a young man and starts courting the Goddess who returns his attention as the spring maiden.

Pathworking Spring equinox
Make yourself comfortable. Take some deep breaths and relax. Let go of stress, anger, anxiety.
Close your eyes and go to your safe place. Turn around and look for a door. It is there, quite unobtrusive, with an eight spoked wheel engraved.
Open the door. It is day on the other side, with the light filtering through the huge trees of the forest. Before you, there is a path through the spring forest. The trees are budding, and there are the flowers springing to life everywhere.
Follow the path. It leads you through the forest, among huge budding trees. Everything is quiet and peaceful.
The area is hilly, and your path leads you downwards, getting steeper...
You reach the bottom of the descent, and the trees give way to a wide open meadow, sprinkled with crocus and tulips. You can see a young man with golden hair collecting a bouquet of flowers. He whistles to himself and selects each flower carefully.
The maiden comes out of the woods. It seems as if the trees open some extra leaves where She walks, and flowers open to greet Her.
He sees Her, and hurries towards her. She laughs as He bows deeply and offers Her the bouquet, but she accepts it gracefully, and draws him closer to start a dance. Out of nowhere, probably out of the woods, a flute sounds and accompanies the dance. The God radiates light, and laughter comes from both of them. You can just watch their joyful dance, or you can join in, if you feel like it.
Their dance ends, and they sit down. It is time for you to go. You turn towards the path that leads you home and return, up the hill, and through the spring forest, until you stand before the door once more. You open the door and return to your safe place. ...
From here, return to your body. Take some breaths to return and readjust. Count from 10 to 1. Open your eyes. Welcome back.

You have met the Lord and the Lady. Now, go outside and look around for Their influence in the budding trees, the flowers, the warmth of the sun.

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