Saturday, June 6, 2009

“Her water is my blood”

Raindrops falling from the sky, the crystal clear water following the river bed towards the sea, grey at times, beautifully blue and green at other times. Steam rising to the skies, gathering in clouds, before the water returns to the earth again as rain. Water is liquid, both in its state of matter and in its nature: accepting, embracing, surrounding, adapting, ever changing, but always the same.
Water, more than anything else, is the gift of life. It was in the sea that life on this planet developed. The sea is the womb that gave birth to life. There are still remnants of this in the composition of our body fluids.
Water is at least a cleansing, relaxing experience that can become a powerful rebirth, a fresh start. Water can wash away the shackles and remnants that get attached to us each day, and that may allow us to find ourselves.
The water is Her blood. Let us be grateful for the gift of life.

Exercise water

Choose a comfortable position. Take some deep breaths and relax. Close your eyes and go to your safe place. ...
Take some moments to enjoy the peace and safety you find here. ... As you look around, you see four doors, facing into four different directions.
You turn towards the blue door, the colour of the sea. Open the door and walk through it. You enter into a lowland forest, beside a small, happily running river. The door behind you closes, but you can see it standing in the middle of the forest, your way back.
There is a small, inviting path winding among the trees, leading upriver. You follow it, listening to the murmur of the river beside you. ... Slowly, you become aware of a sound, a constant rush. It gets louder and louder, and finally, the trees part and you can see what is causing it: a waterfall, thundering down over some rocks and into a shallow lake from where the river springs that has accompanied you. You take in the beauty of the falling water, sparkling in the sun light. ...
It is pleasantly warm here, and the water is whispering invitingly. You walk around the lake, towards the waterfall, and look for a place to enter it. There is a perfect spot, just beneath the outer edge of the waterfall, where some stones almost look like steps. You take them, walking down into the water, and place you hand beneath the falling water. It feels wonderful, slightly cool, and you take the last step, placing yourself beneath the waterall. The water flows over you, from you head over your body, down your legs, into the pool you are standing in, and you move a bit so that it flows over your whole body.
The water washes away all the dirt you accumulated. It takes with it your anger, your fear, your worries, your annoyance, it washes away the layers of masks you put on when dealing with others, or even with yourself. It washes away attachments, everything that clings to you. Feel the water cleansing you ...

You feel clean, as if the water has washed away everything that is not you, that does not belong with you. You feel yourself, refreshed, and released of everything that did not belong to you.
Through the water, you catch a glimpse of the back side of the waterfall. There is a tiny cave, big enough for you to enter it, filled with light shining in through the filter of the waterfall that is causing reflections to dance over the barren walls. The cave is empty except for a hand mirror that lies on a ledge. You take it and clean away the drops of water. Then you look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? The water has washed away everything else, everything from the outside, and only you are left. Look at your reflection in the mirror, and reflect about the meaning of what you see. ...
You decide you have learned enough about yourself for today, and put back the mirror. You step trough the waterfall, enjoying the cares of the water, and out of the pool, back to the path that led you here. Take a last look at the waterfall and walk back along the path...
You can see the door through which you entered. It looks just the way it did when you came here. Open it, and walk through it, returning to your safe place. Take a moment to reorient yourself....
Now, return to your body, count from 10 to 1, open your eyes.

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