Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Dark One

The fourth face of the Goddess is her terrible one: destruction, war and death. She is the Dark Mother, the one who takes back what the Mother has given. A mythological example might be Persephone, who reigns the underworld, or the war Goddess Morrigan. She is not gentle, and Her wrath is terrible.
Most often, this forth face is not part of the mythology of the moon Goddess. Her warrior aspects can also be attributed to the maiden, and her death aspect may be attributed with the crone, and rightfully so. A fight for freedom and independence is definitely something that would find the approval of the Maiden, and the wisdom of the Crone would help those passing the veil. So if you are uncomfortable with the idea of meeting this dark Goddess, skip this pathworking, go and do some of the earlier ones this week.
The Dark Goddess is different. Experience for yourself.

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