Saturday, January 16, 2010

The beauty of a snowflake

Winter has finally arrived in Munich. There are loads of snow out there, and when I first thought about this meditation, it was still snowing. All too often, we walk through our lives, head down, without risking a glance to the sides. This is an exercise about recognising the beauty that surrounds us every day.

Do the exercise on a day when it is snowing, or at least when you have some snow lying around. Dress warm and comfortable. Then: leave your house and go outside. Walk through the snow and watch the beauty that enfolds around you: The snowflakes whirling through the air, the snow covered landscape, the branches of trees, loaded with snow or covered in ice, glittering in the light. Take your time and simply adore the beauty of winter.
Try to catch a snowflake with your sleeve or glove, or scoop up a bit of snow. Look at the snowflakes: can you see the sixfold symmetry, the intricate design, the beauty of it? I always find that snow is something to be admired.
Watch the snowflakes melting as the warmth from your body reaches them. Beauty is fleeting, sometimes. But look around you: there is so much of it, in the next snowflakes, in the snow covered landscape, in the trees, everywhere: beauty is pervasive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Windsong!
I would like to thank you for such a wonderful blog and meditation practices. It is exactly what I need. I'm pretty much a solitary but do find that I need to develop more regular and focused meditation and study. I was so glad to find your site and just want to say hello and keep up the good work! in Love & Light - Juniper